Jason Anker Live
Jason is the reason why Health and Safety in the work place is important. All workers receive the standard compulsory briefing where they are told what to do, what not to do, what to wear, what not to where, where to go and where not to go. What this briefing often doesn’t achieve is getting through the reason why to heed these rules.
The empowerment of staff to feel the responsibility for both their own safety and that of their co-workers does not come from a Health and Safety lecture. When Jason speaks to the same group, he brings a real purpose to the subject. Rather than just going through the motions of H&S conformity, the audience is reached through empathy with someone who has felt the full effect of not acting safely.
Jason will talk frankly to the audience about his story, the effect it has had on his life, his finances, his relationships and his quality of life. Even the most hardened worker will be fully engaged with the story.
The context that this brings to the approach to Health and Safety for those that matter (the workforce) is immeasurable. Working with many companies both large and small on sites like Heathrow, Kings Cross and many of the UK;s major power stations has proved that engagement with the effects of ignoring safety at work almost removes apathy towards health and safety on site.